


1. 閉合性骨折

2. 開放性骨折

3. 壓迫性骨折

4. 穩定性骨折

5. 無法穩定性骨折

6. 縱向骨折

7. 橫向骨折

8. 斜行骨折

9. 肋骨折

10. 脊椎骨折

11. 腕骨折

12. 腳踝骨折

13. 股骨骨折

14. 橈骨及尺骨骨折

15. 橈骨頭骨折

16. 胸骨骨折

17. 髖臼骨折

18. 橈骨頸骨折

19. 肩胛骨骨折

20. 股骨頸骨折

21. 髕骨骨折

22. 股骨軸骨折

23. 橈骨幹骨折

24. 尾骨骨折

(Note: This is just a suggested list of headings based on the given topic. You can customize it according to your preferences and the content of the article.)